Along the top of the page you will find the links for our TVA providers (each page has a login link and help documents). Along the right, you will find additional links and help documents. There are bell schedules if you are a part-time/hybrid TVA student at the MSHS.
Below you will find links to announcement platforms from within our buildings that would be applicable to TVA students. Our TVA students are welcome to participate in any of these activities. They should contact Email Mrs. Kindoll in advance if they plan to attend any function within the building.
TVA Google Classroom for "Homeroom"
TVA students will use a Google Classroom for TVA Homeroom where they can find their daily attendance link as well as additional information, announcements, and more. Students will receive an invitation to join the Google Classroom when they enroll in TVA.
Remind App
Please make sure you are checking messages from Mrs. Kindoll using the Remind app - you can sign up for text, push notifications, or use email. Don't miss important info, change your settings today to get the info the way you want it. There is a special group on Remind for Senior information as well!